One of the other things I've done since I got up for God is check on my tracker stats for the blog. I'm always interested in who's linking to the site and how people find out about it. Search Engine queries are the best. Most are absolutely reasonable, like ""spotted cat" new orleans," since I have a picture of the bar up, or "new orleans katrina mold." I'm actually glad people are finding this blog with those questions. If someone can glean some needed info from me, awesome, I'm happy to be of help.
The oddest one, for me at least, has to be "can I die of something if I go back to Chalmette." I love how whoever this is has such a broad scope of things. At least they're covering their bases.
The oddest one, for me at least, has to be "can I die of something if I go back to Chalmette." I love how whoever this is has such a broad scope of things. At least they're covering their bases.
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